torsdag den 9. april 2009

helbredende katteSpind

"Anyone who has held a purring cat in their lap understands the warmth and feeling of contentment that is conveyed by the sound and feel of the vibrational purr. Researchers are continually looking into the domestic cat as a healing tool for human stresses. Tabby's purring can help reduce his owner's stress or anxieties. Cat purring can ease discomforts such as stomach pain, and also help boost immune systems.
Veterinarians have long noted that broken bones heal quickly in cats. The vibrations associated with the feline purring is of interest to the holistic healing community. The measurable Hertz of a cat's purr lies between 25 and 150. 20 to 50 HZ have shown great promise in speeding bone injuries in human medicine. Research is currently being done to find out if purring actually accelerates the natural healing process of broken bones in humans."